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Simon Horobin

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Academic Position:
Professor of English Language and Literature and Tutorial Fellow
Research Interests:
Medieval, Language

Simon Horobin is Professor of English Language and Literature and Tutorial Fellow in English. He teaches undergraduate papers on the English Language and Medieval Literature. His research is focused on the history and development of the English Language, with particular interests in literary language and dialectology. He is also engaged in the study of Medieval manuscripts and is co-director of an AHRC Project (with Linne Mooney, University of York) to identify the scribes who copied literary manuscripts of the fifteenth century.

Recent Publications

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# Title Description Contributor
1 C. S. Lewis and 'The Wind in the Willows'

A discussion of the influence of 'The Wind in the Willows' on fantasy writers - notably C. S....

Simon Horobin
2 A Walk around C. S. Lewis's Oxford

Using the geographic touch points in Oxford, Professor Simon Horobin of Magdalen College, Oxford...

Simon Horobin
3 Language and History

Prof. Simon Horobin examines how the English language has changed over time, addressing such...

Simon Horobin
4 History of English Pronunciation

Do we really know what Chaucer's poetry sounded like? Professor Simon Horobin introduces...

Simon Horobin