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Sarah Copland

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Smiling woman faces the camera, seated upon a green chair in a long corridor at an academic institution. She is dressed in a black blazer and patterned dress.
Academic Position:
Associate Professor of English at MacEwan University
Research Interests:
Modernism, Narrative Theory

Sarah Copland is Associate Professor of English at MacEwan University in Canada. She has published work on rhetorical and cognitive approaches to narrative theory, narrative theory and short story theory, the politics of form, the new modernist studies, and modernist narratives, prefaces, and poetry in Narrative, Modernism/modernity, The Henry James Review, The European Journal of English Studies, intervalla, and the edited collections Blending and the Study of Narrative (de Gruyter’s Narratologia series, 2012) and Narratology and Ideology: Encounters between Narrative Theory and Postcolonial Criticism (Ohio State UP, 2018). She and Greta Olson co-edited The Politics of Form (Routledge, 2018).

Image licence:
with thanks to Sarah Copland

Recent Publications

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# Title Description Contributor
1 Modernist Prefaces

Dr Sarah Copland on how Modernist writers such as Henry James and Joseph Conrad used the form of...

Dennis Duncan, Sarah Copland