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Anna Caughey

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Anna Caughey
Academic Position:
College Lecturer
Keble College
Research Interests:

Dr Anna Caughey is a College Lecturer in Old and Middle English at Keble College, Oxford. She teaches Moderations Paper 3 (Old English), Final Honour Schools Paper 3 (Middle English) and Final Honour Schools Paper 1 (The English Language), as well as medieval special topics and authors. She is also the Director of Studies for the final year programme.

Before coming to Keble, she was a Non-Stipendiary Lecturer at St Anne’s and Merton Colleges from 2008-2010. She also worked on the Oxford University Computing Services’ Woruldhord Project, an online resource for students and teachers of Old English, from July-October 2010.

Her work is primarily concerned with Scottish identity in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern period. Her doctoral research focused specifically on the representation of knighthood and chivalry in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Scotland, and she is now working to extend this research into a more wide-ranging comparative study of conflict and conflict-resolution in late medieval and early modern Scotland and England. She is also researching interactions between medieval Scottish literature and the Continental book trade. She has published shorter articles on the Scottish Alexander and Arthurian traditions, the politics of translation in Gavin Douglas’ 1513 translation of the Aeneid and gender and sexuality in Malory’s Morte Arthur.

She also possesses a strong research interest in Digital Humanities, and particularly in the potential for online editions to make manuscript and print witnesses more widely available to students and researchers.

Recent Publications

  • ‘“Als for the worthynes of þe romance”: Exploitation of Genre in the Buik of King Alexander the Conqueror’, chapter in Laura Ashe, Ivana Djordjevic and Judith Weiss eds., The Exploitations of Medieval Romance, Cambridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2010.
  • Review, ‘Expectations of Romance: The Reception of a Genre in Medieval England’ by Melissa Furrow. Review of English Studies. First published online June 16, 2010.
  • ‘“Methink It Grete Skill”: Conciliation, Negotiation and Forgiveness in Three Fifteenth-Century Scottish Romances’, in J Derrick McClure et al. ‘Fresche fontanis’: Studies in the Culture of Medieval and Early Modern Scotland (Cambridge Scholars, 2012).
  • ‘Virginity, sexuality, repression and return in The Tale of the Sankgreal’, article in Kate McClune and David Clark, ed., Blood, Sex, Malory, Cambridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2011.
  • ‘“Of materis that strange are and vnkynd”: Exploration, Conquest and Imperialism in the “Journey to Paradise” section of Gilbert Hay’s Buik of Alexander þe Conqueror’ (with Emily Wingfield), in C. Gaullier-Bougassas et al., Alexander Redivivus, 2012.
# Essay Title Description Contributor
1 Arthurian Afterlives

Early Modern Arthur

After Caxton's ...

Anna Caughey
2 'Drawn out of Freynsh': Malory and His Sources

Malory repeatedly refers to his works as having been 'drawn out of Freynsh'. When a particular...

Anna Caughey
3 Print and Manuscript

From 1485 until 1934, Malory's text was known only from the print produced by William Caxton: '...

Anna Caughey
4 Thomas Malory - An Introduction

In 1469-70, a man named Thomas Malory (1405-1471) sat down to write a...

Anna Caughey